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Celebrating 95 Years of Life

Above are two special ladies. My grandmother and great-grandmother, or as they are more commonly known in our family, Ma and Nana. Their...

Why Write? Part Two

In Which My Daughter Saves My Life It is impossible to write about how I arrived at this point in my life without also talking about my...

Why Write? Part One

That is a certificate I was awarded in the second grade. I'm still waiting on the "famous" part! "A writer is someone who can't not...

An Ode to Libraries

This is what a book looks like before it becomes a book. It looks like an open laptop, a pile of other books for research, a mess of...

I never thought it would really happen...

Anyone who has knew me as a girl can testify. I was always clutching a sketchpad or a notebook. I doodled comic strips in the margins of...

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." -John Steinbeck I quite...

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