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  • Jacquelyn Holmes

Are You Waiting For Book Two?

To recap, Rabbit-Trapped released to the world July 25, 2019. That's just a few days away from a year ago. And obviously a sequel is in order. So where is it?

Well, Alice started school and life got kind of weird for a while. Then Alice was not in school and life got even weirder. I originally thought I could write a whole novel, editing and all, in three months. Listen closely, you might hear me laughing from wherever you are at that notion...

I am not, I discovered, a write-a-book-in-three-months type of writer.

So what kind of writer am I ?

Well, I'm still figuring it out. I'm told it takes about five books before you feel like you really know what's going on. If you are making a face right now at the idea of writing five books, know that I'm making the same face.

However, the good news for anyone waiting around for my sequel is this....It's almost done! I don't have an official release date, but I can's soon!

I just got back the final editing comments from an service (Thank you once again to Tipsy Mockingbird, who continues to keep me in order!). While I have only begun looking over the suggestions, it looks like most of them are easy-to-fix and minor (a lot of comma, a lot).

And ...I've got cover art!

In fact, that's what this post is about! So, for the new title and a first glance at the cover art, keep scrolling!



You guys are awesome, by the way.



I literally could not do this without you.



So thanks. For your awesomeness.



And continued support.




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