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  • Jacquelyn Holmes

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." -John Steinbeck

I quite literally had an idea like a rabbit a little over a year ago. It started out small and twitchy, but grew more and more insistent by the day.

I am 1/4 Native American. I'm a registered 1/8 Muskogee Creek, and an unregistered 1/8 Seminole. I didn't grow up with a lot of ties to that part of my heritage, but I knew it was there. Mostly I was just mad that I hadn't inherited beautiful almond-shaped eyes or skin that would tan instead of burn. We didn't talk about our Native American background, because my mother didn't really grow up with it either.

Then I had a child of my own. And she was beautiful! When she first appeared in the world she was dark, much darker than I expected any child of mine to be! Now her coloring has lightened up to the point that she is as pale as I am, poor dear. We use a lot of sunscreen. But it set me to thinking about that lost part of my history.

I started reading Creek mythology. And that was where the Creek Woman was born. She came sliding out of the dark forest of the past and sat on my shoulder until I could get her written into life. I really wrote this book to get her home from her long journey.

Of course a whole cast of people came along with her. A girl a bit like Rapunzel, locked in her ivory tower, but with loads of spunk and personality. A boy who quietly persevered despite all the weird and horrible things he had to endure. A step-brother that grew more and more peculiar the more I wrote.

And a rabbit.

If you're reading this page, I hope that you will take a chance on my first published book. And if you do, you have my deepest thanks! I also hope, whether you buy my book or not, that you have ideas like rabbits as well.


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