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  • Jacquelyn Holmes

Writers and Community

There has been a lot said in news and social media about supporting small businesses in this unusual time in history. How does that apply to local authors?

I have lived in my town for almost 10 years now. I've had jobs. I've met people. I have seen businesses open and close. I've been present for natural disaster (we had a record-breaking flood last year), community scandals, protests (BLM protests were happening peacefully all around the city this spring) and most recently, a pandemic.

I am one person. This community has supported me all along. It is forever written into the DNA of who I am. When I published my first book, a local independent bookstore hosted my first author signing. Then, not long after, the local public library did likewise. We have a couple of regional and local magazines in the area that keep us updated about community events. I've had my name in both.

I've been thinking lately a lot about how communities of people and businesses need each other to stay afloat. Are most of your book sales within a 50 mile radius of where you live? Are most of your readers friends and family and their acquaintances? If so, you are a local author. Embrace it! Ask yourself how you and some local organizations and businesses can help each other stay afloat, particularly in these odd times.

Here is a list of ideas for any author looking for a way to participate more fully in their local community. The items highlighted are either free to do, or low-cost. Some of them may even earn you money!

Libraries and Independent Bookstores

  • Ask if you can do a book signing.

  • Offer to read a passage of your book to an age-appropriate group that meets there.

  • Offer to run a one-day workshop about writing and/or publishing for the patrons.

  • Print off bookmarks for them to give away for free.

  • Start a writer's group and run it monthly on site.

  • Host a NaNoWriMo meetup in November on site.


  • Donate free copies of your book for the library and/or English classrooms.

  • Offer to speak to classrooms or the whole school about writing as a career, the craft of writing, or about a topic specific to your book.

  • Offer to meet with students interested in writing and answer questions.

  • Ask about student internships, and offer to host a student for a few weeks or a semester and train them in writing industry practices.

Non-profit Organizations

  • Offer a portion of your proceeds to a non-profit organization for an event or specific time frame, and in turn, ask for your book to be featured in their monthly donor newsletter.*

  • Do a book signing at one of their fundraisers to help increase their audience (and yours!).

  • Make a donation in the name of your book business.

  • Sponsor an event or meeting.

*Depending on how successful this is for you, you may end up donating a significant portion of your proceeds to the non-profit, however, you will also likely make more money from the portion you keep than if you had otherwise not done the event!

For the Young Adult and Children's Book Authors

  • Sponsor a kid's sports team.

  • Do free readings from your book at one of the above mentioned locations.

  • Handout free coloring sheets and bookmarks at events.

  • Host a "bedtime story" event through Facebook Live, or similar.

Fellow Writers

  • Partner with other authors for book signings and events.

  • Share rides and booths at fairs, conventions and events.**

  • Offer to bundle books together as part of a promotional deal or event.

**This will save you money if you are already going to these types of events. However, going to these events is often expensive! Proceed with caution!

Local News and Magazines

  • Ask about doing guest writer articles.

  • Give information about your events to them, to be listed in their events column.

  • Promote their work through your social media platforms.

  • Offer to do interviews about writing, your books, or topics relating to your books.

  • Offer to do joint interviews with other local authors as a local interest piece.

Small businesses, local projects, organizations and local authors, we all need each other. Let's find ways to support each other. Together we are mighty.

What are some ways you have interacted with your community? I'd love to hear about what worked for you (and what didn't!) in the comments below!

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